Cyberon Corp. Apps

賽微語音輸入法 1.1.4
Cyberon Corp.
『賽微語音輸入法』是一款免費的中文語音輸入法,透過網路連線雲端運算,提供精準的語音辨識。此語音輸入法不需事先進行訓練即可使用,提供中文語音辨識輸入功能以及智慧注音鍵盤,同時附有倉頡、英文及符號小鍵盤,您可自行依據情境選擇輸入方式,也可交互搭配使用。只要按下紅色的錄音鈕,說出想輸入的內容,它便會將語音轉化成文字,讓您可以用最貼近生活、輕鬆自然的說話方式完成文字輸入。另有無須連網的付費版本[賽微輕鬆說輸入法],還提供語音及用詞個人化功能,歡迎下載安裝"付費版本"。功能與效益:◆候選字功能可輕鬆修正辨識近似的文字◆無須事先進行個人語音模型訓練即可使用◆有效解決鍵盤和中文不易輸入的問題建議使用方式:◆辨識時以句子為輸入單位,可得到較佳的辨識效果◆避免在吵雜的環境使用◆適當的音量、說話速度不疾不徐、以自然的說話方式輸入,皆有助於提升效果注意:◆本軟體是一個輸入法,安裝後請先至系統"設定"中關於輸入法的選項內勾選[賽微語音輸入],再到任何一個應用程式的文字輸入區長按以切換輸入方法到本輸入法,若是在Android4.0以上的作業系統上使用,請於輸入文字時拉下通知欄便可切換輸入方式。◆本輸入法需連線使用。◆本輸入法僅支援繁體中文◆更新後若碰到無法使用的狀況,請先將賽微語音輸入法移除後再次下載安裝,我們會盡快排除此問題。"CyberonVoice Input Method" is a free The Chinese voiceinput method, cloud computing over a network connection to provideaccurate speech recognition. This voice input method can be usedwithout prior training, providing Chinese speech recognition inputand wisdom phonetic keyboard while with CJ, English and symbolkeypad, you can self-select input method based on the context, canalso be used with the interaction.Just press the red record button, say you wantto enter the content, it will be the voice into text, so you canuse the most close to life, easy and natural way of speakingcompleted text input. Otherwise paid version without networking[Sunway easy to say the input method], also provides voice andwords personalization features, welcome to download and install the" paid version ".Features and benefits:◆ candidate correction function can easily identify the approximatetext◆ personal speech model without prior training to use◆ effectively solve the difficult problem of the keyboard andChinese inputRecommended use:◆ Identification of the sentence when the input unit, obtain betterrecognition results◆ Avoid use in noisy environments◆ appropriate volume, speech rate unhurried, natural way ofspeaking input, all help to improve the effectivenessNote:◆ This software is an input method, please go to the system afterinstalling the "Settings" option in the input method on the check[Cyberon Voice Input], and then enter any text application by awarden to switch input methods to The input method, if used on morethan one operating system Android 4.0, please pull down thenotification bar when entering text can switch the inputmode.◆ The input method requires Connection touse.◆ The input method only supports Traditional Chinese◆ If you encounter an updated status can not beused, first download and install the game again after removingmicro voice input, we will fix this problem as soon aspossible.
赛微语音命令-简中 3.2.17030601
Cyberon Corp.
赛微语音命令是一套连续语音识别应用软件,提供使用者语音拨号等声控功能。例如声控拨号给联系人、查询当前时间、开启应用程序等。功能&效益-对话式语音命令系统,无需用手操作,即可快速完成电话拨号或执行应用程序。-无需对系统进行训练或预先录音,可立即使用。-提供对话式操作介面(Conversational UI),用对话的方式引导下达语音命令,无需任何学习即可轻松上手。-提供“语音标签”及“数字模型训练”功能,使用者可进行个人化设定,进一步提升辨识率及使用便利性。关于启用蓝牙声控功能,请注意下列事项:1. 手机和耳机必须支持 Bluetooth Handsfree profile。2. 勿将赛微语音命令安装在 SD 上,赛微语音命令还未支持 APP2SD。3. 安装后手机需要重新开机。4. 若安装前蓝牙耳机已经和手机配对, 需要中断并再重新配对。*注意一:语音识别效果可能会受吵杂的使用环境所影响。*注意二:蓝芽声控功能需于 Android 2.2 以上系统才支援。*注意三:此软件不支持拨打至紧急电话特价5.99美元!
賽微語音命令-繁中 3.3.17030601
Cyberon Corp.
賽微語音命令是一套連續語音辨識應用軟體,提供使用者語音撥號等聲控功能。例如聲控撥號給聯絡人、查詢現在時間、開啟應用程式、簡訊朗讀、播放音樂等。功能&效益-對話式語音命令系統,無需用手操作,即可快速完成電話撥號或執行應用程式。-無需對系統進行訓練或預先錄音,可立即使用。-提供對話式操作介面(Conversational UI),用對話的方式引導下達語音命令,無需任何學習即可輕鬆上手。-提供“語音標籤”及“數字模型訓練”功能,使用者可進行個人化設定,進一步提升辨識率及使用便利性。關於啟用藍牙聲控功能,請注意下列事項:1. 耳機必須支援Bluetooth Handsfree profile。2. 請勿將賽微語音命令安裝在 SD 上,賽微語音命令還未支援 APP2SD。3. 安裝後需要重新開機(請記得移除電池)。4. 若安裝前藍牙耳機已經和手機配對,需要中斷連線並再重新配對。5. 請確保您的手機及藍芽耳機的電力都有 30% 以上6.**4.1藍芽按鈕開啟問題**a. 若您的藍芽啟動的是"語音撥號"這個軟體,也請至"設定"->"應用程式"->"全部"中將"語音撥號"停用。b. 三星手機的使用者,請至"設定"->"應用程式"->"全部"中找到SVoice並選擇"強制關閉",藍芽應可啟動賽微語音命令了。*注意一:語音辨識效果可能會受吵雜的使用環境所影響。*注意二:藍芽聲控功能需於 Android 2.2 以上系統才支援。*注意三:此軟體無法撥打緊急電話*注意四:Desire 600 暫不支援藍牙聲控功能*注意五:在點播上一首歌曲時,因手機作業系統不同影響,請於原歌曲播放三秒內下指令,謝謝配合!另 Galaxy Note暫不支援播放音樂功能,敬請見諒。上市特價5.99美元“購買後可在48小時內全額退款,請發送您的訂單號碼至要求退款”Cyberon voice command is a continuous voice recognitionapplication software, to provide users with voice dialing and othervoice functions. Such as voice dialing to contact, query time now,open the app, SMS reading, playing music.Function & Benefit- Conversational voice command system, hands-free operation, youcan quickly dial phone and apps.- The system without training or pre-recorded, can be usedimmediately.- Provides interactive user interface (Conversational UI), by wayof dialogue, guidance issued voice commands, you can easily getstarted without any learning.- To provide "voice tag" and "digital model training" function,users can personalize settings to further enhance the recognitionrate and ease of use.About Bluetooth-enabled voice features, please note thefollowing:1. The headset must support Bluetooth Handsfree profile.2. Do not Cyberon voice commands installed on SD, Cyberon voicecommand has not supported APP2SD.3. When the installation requires a reboot (remember to remove thebattery).4. If the installation before a Bluetooth headset has been pairedwith your phone, you need to disconnect and then re-pair.Above 5. Make sure your phone and power Bluetooth headset has a30%  6. ** 4.1 Bluetooth button to turn thequestion **. A If your Bluetooth is activated "Voice Dialing" This software,also go to "Settings" -> "applications" -> "All" in the"Voice Dialing" is disabled.. B Samsung mobile phone users, go to "Settings" ->"applications" -> "All" found in the S Voice and select the"Force Close" Bluetooth should be started Cyberon voicecommands.* Note a: speech recognition results may be affected by noisyenvironments.* Note II: Bluetooth voice features required for the system tosupport Android 2.2 and above.* Note III: This software can not make emergency calls* Note four: Desire 600 temporarily supports Bluetooth voicefeatures* Note Five: On-demand when a song, due to the impact of differentmobile phone operating system, in the original song is played threeseconds under instruction, thanks! Another Galaxy Note temporarilysupport music playback functions, please forgive me.Cheap US $ 5.99 listing"After purchasing a full refund within 48 hours, please send yourorder number to request a"
IT-Cyberon Voice Commander 3.2.17030601
Cyberon Corp.
Cyberon Voice Commander Italian versionCyberon Voice Commander(IT) è una applicazione voce Italiana perchiamate e comando e controllo che offre agli utenti di:-Fare telefonate-Ricercare contatti-Lancio del programma e altro ancoraCaratteristiche:*Nessuna formazione è necessaria*Hands-free (per Android 2.2 e superiori) e Eyes-freeSe c’è qualsiasi problema, si può annullare l’acquisto entro 15 inconformità ai criteri di Android Market."Per abilitare la funzione di composizione vivavoce BT, controllarequanto segue:1. Assicurarsi che l’auricolare supporti il profilo vivavoceBluetooth.2. Non installare l’applicazione sulla scheda SD. Cyberon VoiceCommander non supporta ancora APP2SD.3. Riavviare il telefono dopo l’installazione di Cyberon VoiceCommander.4. Riaccoppiare telefono e auricolare dopo l’installazione diCyberon Voice Commander, se sono stati disaccoppiati."In vendita per soli $5.99!"Il rimborso completo può essere effettuato entro 48 oredall'acquisto. Per richiedere il rimborso, inviare il numerod'ordine a"**** additional information *****The app could not dial the emergency call.
ES-Cyberon Voice Commander 3.2.17030601
Cyberon Corp.
Cyberon Voice Commander Spanish(ES)versionCyberon Voice Commander(ES) es una aplicación de marcación de vozen Español que ofrece a sus usuarios:-Hace llamadas telefónicas-Busca información de contacto-Lanzamiento del programay más.Caracteristicas:*No requiere entrenamiento*Manos libres (para Android 2.2 y superiores)*Alta precisiónDe acuerdo con la política de Android Market, puede cancelar lacompra hasta 15 minutos después de haberla efectuado si experimentaalgún problema."Lleve a cabo los pasos descritos a continuación para habilitar lafunción de marcado por voz del servicio de manos libres BT:1. Asegúrese plataforma los auriculares con micrófono admitan elperfil Bluetooth de manos libres.2. No instale la aplicación en una tarjeta SD. Cyberon VoiceCommander no es compatible aún con APP2SD.3. Reinicie el teléfono después de instalar Cyberon VoiceCommander.4. Vuelva a emparejar los auriculares con micrófono BT y elteléfono después de instalar Cyberon Voice Commander si ya lo habíahecho con anterioridad."A la venta por $5.99!"El reembolso total se puede hacer en un plazo de 48 horas despuésde la compra. Para solicitar el reembolso, envíe su número depedido a"**** additional information *****The app could not dial the emergency call.
Cyberon VoiceCommander(PL-IAP) 3.2.17032101
Cyberon Corp.
Cyberon Voice Commander(PL) jest aplikacjąsłużącą do wybierania głosowego oraz wykonywania poleceń isterowania. Umożliwia ona użytkownikom:- Wykonywanie połączeń telefonicznych- Wyszukiwanie informacji o kontaktach- Uruchamianie programówi dużo więcej.W przypadku jakichkolwiek problemów, zgodnie z przepisami AndroidMarket, zakup można anulować w czasie 15 minut."W celu włączenia funkcji głosowego wybierania głośnomówiącego BT,należy sprawdzić wymienione poniżej elementy:1. Upewnij się, że telefon oraz wsparcie profil głośnomówiącyzestaw słuchawkowy Bluetooth.2. Nie należy instalować aplikacji na SD. Cyberon Voice Commanderna razie nie obsługuje APP2SD.3. Po instalacji Cyberon Voice Commander, uruchom ponownietelefon.4. Po instalacji Cyberon Voice Commander wykonaj ponownie parowaniesłuchawek BT i telefonu, jeśli były już wcześniej sparowane."Charakterystyka:* Niezależność od osoby mówiącej, nie jest wymagane naukatrenowanie urządzenia.* Obsługa bez użycia rąk (w przypadku systemu Android 2.2 inowszego) oraz bezwzrokowo.* Wysoka dokładność.*** To jest wersja testowa , która obsługuje tylko dilaing donumeru domu ***"Pełną refundację można wykonać w ciągu 48 godzin po zakupieniu.Aby zażądać refundacji, wyślij numer zamówienia na"**** additional information *****The app could not dial the emergency call.
賽微輕鬆說輸入法-繁中 1.0.2
Cyberon Corp.
賽微輕鬆說輸入法提供中文語音辨識輸入功能以及智慧注音鍵盤,同時附有英文、符號小鍵盤與多種優化的設定選項,使用者可自行依據情境選擇輸入方式也可交互搭配使用。具有智慧選字與詞彙學習功能,有效打破手機上溝通不便的藩籬,帶給您輕鬆輸入的全新體驗。功能與效益:◆具備詞彙學習功能,自動學習使用者的用字習慣◆候選字功能可輕鬆修正辨識近似的文字◆提供自訂詞彙,切合個人需求建議使用方式:◆避免在吵雜的環境使用語音輸入◆適當的音量、說話速度不疾不徐、以自然的說話方式輸入,皆有助於提升效果本軟體是一個輸入法,安裝後請先至系統的[設定]>[語言與鍵盤]勾選[賽微輕鬆說輸入法],再到任何一個應用程式的文字輸入區長按以切換輸入方法到本輸入法。-不支援於Android 1.5的作業系統上執行
賽微語音命令 -- Hami PASS 3.3.17030601
Cyberon Corp.
本程式乃中華電信 Hami PASS 會員專屬服務,若您不是Hami PASS會員,請先申租中華電信 Hami PASS:賽微語音命令是一套連續語音辨識應用軟體,提供使用者語音撥號等聲控功能。例如聲控撥號給聯絡人、查詢現在時間、開啟應用程式、簡訊朗讀、播放音樂等。功能&效益-對話式語音命令系統,無需用手操作,即可快速完成電話撥號或執行應用程式。-無需對系統進行訓練或預先錄音,可立即使用。-提供對話式操作介面( Conversational UI ),用對話的方式引導下達語音命令,無需任何學習即可輕鬆上手。-提供“語音標籤”及“數字模型訓練”功能,使用者可進行個人化設定,進一步提升辨識率及使用便利性。關於啟用藍牙聲控功能,請注意下列事項:1. 耳機必須支援 Bluetooth Handsfree profile 。2. 請勿將賽微語音命令安裝在SD上,賽微語音命令還未支援 APP2SD 。3. 安裝後需要重新開機(請記得移除電池)。4. 若安裝前藍牙耳機已經和手機配對,需要中斷連線並再重新配對。5. 請確保您的手機及藍芽耳機的電力都有 30% 以上6.** 4.1 藍芽按鈕開啟問題**a. 若您的藍芽啟動的是"語音撥號"這個軟體,也請至"設定"->"應用程式"->"全部"中將"語音撥號"停用。b. 三星手機的使用者,請至"設定"->"應用程式"->"全部"中找到 S Voice並選擇"強制關閉",藍芽應可啟動賽微語音命令了。*注意一:語音辨識效果可能會受吵雜的使用環境所影響。*注意二:此軟體無法撥打緊急電話*注意三:Desire 600 暫不支援藍牙聲控功能*注意四:在點播上一首歌曲時,因手機作業系統不同影響,請於原歌曲播放三秒內下指令,謝謝配合!另Galaxy Note暫不支援播放音樂功能,敬請見諒。
TR-Cyberon Voice Commander 3.2.17030601
Cyberon Corp.
Cyberon Voice Commander Turkish versionCyberon Voice Commander kullanıcıların mobil cihazlarla sorunsuzcailetişim kurabilmesini sağlayan doğal insan arayüzü sunan bir sesliarama ve komut - kontrol uygulamasıdır. Voice Commander sayesinde,kullanıcılar telefon araması yapabilir, rehber bilgilerinebakabilir, [program başlat,] ve önceden tanıtmaya gerek kalmaksızınpek çok sesli komut verebilir.Özellikler ve Faydalar:* Konuşmacıdan bağımsız konuşma tanıma teknolojisi; eğitim gereklideğildir.* [Eller serbest ve] gözlerden bağımsız sesli komut vekontrol.* Kullanımı kolay klasik Kullanıcı Arayüzü.Not:* Sesli komut cihazı gürültülü ortamlarda kullanılırken ses tanımahassasiyeti olumsuz etkilenebilir.* Ses tanıma hassasiyeti ses kalitesine de doğrudan bağlıdır;farklı cihazlar farklı performanslar gösterebilir. Bazı cihazlar(Android 2.2’den düşük işletim sistemleri) Bluetooth eller serbestişlevini desteklemeyebilir. Sorunsuz çalışıp çalışmayacağınıöğrenmek için cihazınızda Cyberon Voice Commander kullanmaklailgili ayrıntıları öğrenin.Herhangi bir sorun olması halinde, Android Market'in politikalarıkapsamında satın alma işlemini 15 dakika içinde iptaledebilirsiniz."BT ahizesiz sesli arama yapma fonksiyonunu etkinleştirmek için,lütfen aşağıdaki hususları kontrol edin:1.. Emin olun telefon ve kulaklık Bluetooth handsfree profilinidestekler.2. Uygulamayı SD karta kurmayın. Cyberon Voice Commander şu anitibariyle APP2SD desteklememektedir.3. Cyberon Voice Commander’ı kurduktan sonra telefonunuzu kapatıptekrar açın.4. Daha önceden eşleştirilmişlerse, Cyberon Voice Commanderkurduktan sonra BT kulaklığı ile telefonunuzu yenideneşleştirin.What’s new in Android CVC 3.11. Android 2.3 BT sesli arama desteği2. Çevirme ya da Arama tuşuna basılı tutarak başlatılabilir (hercihazda geçerli değildir)3. BT tuşuna basılarak kapatılabilir4. Telefon numarası bulunmayan kişilerin seçimini kaldıran birseçenek eklenebilir5. Geri tuşuna basılınca ses çalmayı durdurma6. Kullanıcı bir komutu iptal edince yeniden başlatma7. İtalyanca sürümdeki zaman okuma formatı düzeltildi"Bütün iade satın aldıktan sonra 48 saat içinde yapılacaktır. Ödemetalep etmek için, için sipariş numaranızıgönderin"**** additional information *****1. On Jelly Bean (Android 4.1), please be kind to update GoogleSearch to the last version, then go to"Settings"->"Apps"->"All", find Google Search and clear thedefault, Voice Commander could be launched by pressing the BTheadset's button in the end.2. The app could not dial the emergency call.
FI-Cyberon Voice Commander 3.2.17030601
Cyberon Corp.
Cyberon Voice Commander Finnish versionCyberon Voice Commander(FI) on äänivalinta- sekäkomenna-ja-ohjaa-sovellus , joka tarjoaa luonnollisen inhimillisenliittymän käyttäjille saumattomaan kommunikointiin kannettavienlaitteiden kanssa. Voice Commander käyttäjä voi soittaa puheluita,hakea yhteystietoja, [käynnistää ohjelman] ja tehdä muitatoimintoja äänen välityksellä ilman edeltävää harjoittelua.Ominaisuudet ja hyödyt*Kaiuttimista riippumaton tunnistusteknologia, harjoittelua eivaadita.*[Handsfree- ja] ilman näköä tapahtuva äänikomento ja-ohjaus.*Helppokäyttöinen puhekäyttöliittymä.Huomaa:*Äänikomentolaitteen käyttö meluisassa ympäristössä voi vaikuttaaheikentävästi tunnistustarkkuuteen.*Äänen laatu vaikuttaa tarkkuuteen hyvin paljon; eri laitteilla voiolla erilainen suorituskyky. Ja jotkut laitteet (alla olevakäyttöjärjestelmä Android 2.2) eivät ehkä tue Bluetooth handsfree-toimintoa. Ota selvää ja varmista nämä Cyberon Voice Commanderongelmat laitteessasi havaitaksesi toimiiko se oikein.Jos ongelmia ilmenee, voit peruuttaa oston 15 minuutin kuluessaAndroidin kaupankäyntikäytännön mukaisesti."Ottaaksesi käyttöön BT handsfree –äänivalintatoiminnon sinun ontarkistettava seuraavat asiat:1. Varmista, ja että kuulokkeesi tukevat Bluetooth hansdfree-profiilia.2. Älä asenna sovellusta muistikortille. Cyberon Voice Commander eitoistaiseksi tue APP2SD:tä.3. Käynnistä puhelin uudelleen Cyberon Voice Commander asennuksenjälkeen.4. Muodosta BT-kuulokkeista ja puhelimesta uudelleen pari CyberonVoice Commander asennuksen jälkeen, jos niistä oli muodostettu pariaiemmin.""Täysi hyvitys voidaan tehdä 48 tuntia oston jälkeen. Voit pyytäähyvitystä lähettämällä tilausnumerosi"**** additional information *****The app could not dial the emergency call.
Cyberon Voice Commander 3.1.14021100
Cyberon Corp.
This is a patch software of Voice Comander andonly for HTC One 4.4.2 in Canada.
賽微輕鬆說輸入法粵語版 1.0.2
Cyberon Corp.
PT-Cyberon Voice Commander 3.2.17030601
Cyberon Corp.
Cyberon Voice Commander PortugueseversionO Cyberon Voice Commander(PT) é um marcador por voz e aplicação decomando e controlo que possibilita aos utilizadores:-Efectuar chamadas telefónicas-Procurar informações de contactos-Iniciar o programae muito mais.Características:*Independente do altifalante, não é necessário treino.*Mãos-livres (para Android 2.2 e superior) e sem necessitarolhar.*Alta precisão.Caso tenha algum problema, poderá cancelar a compra num período de15 minutos, de acordo com a política do Android Market."Para activar a função de marcação por voz mãos-livres BT, tenhaatenção aos seguintes itens:1. Certifique-se de que o seu telefone e que o seu auricularsuporta o perfil de mãos-livres Bluetooth.2. Não instale a aplicação no cartão SD. O Cyberon Voice Commandernão suporta, de momento a função APP2SD.3. Reinicie o telefone após a instalação do Cyberon VoiceCommander.4. Emparelhe novamente o auricular BT e o telefone após ainstalação do Cyberon Voice Commander, caso já estejamemparelhados."À venda por $5.99!"O reembolso total pode ser efectuado durante um período de 48horas após a compra. Para solicitar um reembolso, envie o número dasua encomenda para"**** additional information *****The app could not dial the emergency call.
赛微随身典-简中 2.1.1
Cyberon Corp.
赛微随身典(Cyberon TalkingDictionary)是最受欢迎的手机发音字典,收录超过11万个实用的中、英字辞、片语、常用缩写字,结合高科技的语音合成发音技术,提供如真人般流畅自然的英语发音,使手机化身为全方位的中英双向字典。功能与效益:1. 英汉双向字典2. 中、英辞典无限交叉查询3. 应用赛微语音合成技术,所有英文字词皆可发音4. 可调整发音速度,便于学习聆听5. 提供随拷即查功能6. 自动储存最近查询记录,可迅速再次查阅7. 支援“书签查询”功能,方便再次浏览复习8. 自动判断词性变化规则(ex:families→family)9. 占用资源最少
輕鬆來對獎 1.0.1
Cyberon Corp.
統一發票對獎用說的!還在煩惱手上的一大疊發票要花多少時間來對獎?還在用最老舊的方法邊看著報紙邊核對手上的發票?還是辛勞地逐張輸入發票號碼?發票對獎其實不用這麼辛苦...現在只要輕輕鬆鬆用說的!為了方便大家對統一發票, 賽微科技運用語音辨識技術開發了這套「輕鬆來對獎」, 讓大家只要一一唸出發票的後3碼,馬上告訴您中獎沒!從此對獎更輕鬆, 不再眼花撩亂, 也不用手忙腳亂。建議使用方式:1. 為了避免噪音干擾,請在安靜的環境下使用2. 使用適當的音量及自然的速度唸出數字,有助於提升辨識效果3. 對獎前可先試唸各組中獎號碼,以掌握適當的使用方式請注意:本軟體一般環境下的平均辨識率約為98%,辨識率可能受環境噪音、個人口音、說話方式等因素影響,使用時敬請認知上述限制。如有任何問題或建議,歡迎mail到,讓我們為您提供即時詳盡的服務。
NL-Cyberon Voice Commander 3.2.17030601
Cyberon Corp.
Cyberon Voice Commander Dutch versionCyberon Voice Commander(NL) is een Nederlandse,spraakgestuurdecommand & control applicatie waarmee gebruikers o.a.kunnen:-Bellen-Contactgegevens opzoeken-Start programmaKenmerken:*Spreker-onafhankelijk en eenvoudig te gebruiken*Hands-free (voor Android 2.2 en hoger) en eyes-free*Zeer nauwkeurigIn het geval van enige problemen kunt u de aankoop binnen 15minuten annuleren overeenkomstig het beleid van deAndroid-markt."Voor het inschakelen van de handsfree BT-spraakkeuzefunctie dientopgemerkt te worden dat u moet letten op het onderstaande:1. Zorg ervoor dat en dat uw koptelefoon met Bluetoothhandsfree-profiel ondersteunt.2. Installeer de applicatie niet op SD. Cyberon Voice Commanderondersteunt tot nu toe geen APP2SD.3. Herstart uw telefoon na het installeren van Cyberon VoiceCommander.4. Koppel de BT-koptelefoon en de telefoon opnieuw na hetinstalleren van Cyberon Voice Commander, indien deze gekoppeldzijn."Te koop voor $5,99!"Volledige terugbetaling kan binnen 48 uur na aankoop gedaanworden. Voor het aanvragen van een terugbetaling, stuurt u uwbestelnummer naar"**** additional information *****The app could not dial the emergency call.
JP-Cyberon音声コマンダー 3.2.17030601
Cyberon Corp.
Cyberon Voice Commander Japanese versionCyberon音声コマンダーは、アプリケーションをダイヤル日本語音声です。これは、以下の関数をユーザに提供します- 電話の呼び出しを確認- コンタクト情報を見上げて- プログラムを起動します。以上。特徴:* 話者に依存しない音声認識技術の採用によりトレーニング不要。* ハンズフリー(Androidの2.2以上)。* 高精度。注意:*認識精度は音声コマンダを使用する騒音環境により影響を受けます。*精度はオーディオ品質に非常に依存しており、デバイスが異なれば性能が異なります。問題がある場合、Android Marketのポリシーに従い、15分以内に購入をキャンセルすることができます。「BTハンズフリーボイスダイヤリング機能を有効にするには、以下の項目を確認する必要があります。1。お使いの携帯電話とヘッドセットのサポートのBluetoothハンズフリープロファイルを確認してください。2. SDにアプリケーションをインストールしないでください。Cyberon VoiceCommanderは、現在APP2SDをサポートしていません。3. Cyberon Voice Commanderをインストールした後、電話を再起動してください。4. BTヘッドセットと電話がペアになっていた場合、Cyberon VoiceCommanderをインストールした後、BTヘッドセットと電話を再度ペアにしてください。」5.99ドルの販売中!「完全な払い戻しは購入後48時間以内に行われます。払い戻しを要求するには、注文番号をに送信してください」****追加情報*****アプリは、緊急電話をダイヤルできませんでした。Cyberon Voice CommanderJapanese versionCyberon voice Commander, dial Japanese voice applications. isthis,We offer the following functions to the user- Check the phone call- Look up contact information- It will start the program.Or more.Features:* The required training adoption of speech recognition technologythat does not depend on the speaker.* Hands-free (2.2 or higher of the Android).* High precision.Caution:* Recognition accuracy is affected by the noise environment to usethe voice commander.* Accuracy is highly dependent on audio quality, differentperformance Different devices.If there is a problem, according to the Android Market of thepolicy, you will be able to cancel the purchase within 15minutes."To enable the BT handsfree voice dialing function, you need tocheck the following items.1. Please check the Bluetooth hands-free profile of support foryour mobile phone and headset.2. Please do not install the application on SD. Cyberon VoiceCommander does not currently support APP2SD.3. After you have installed the Cyberon Voice Commander, pleaserestart the phone.4. BT If the headset and the phone had been paired, after youinstall the Cyberon Voice Commander, please to again pair the phonewith BT headset. "$ 5.99 of the sale!"Full refund will be made within 48 hours after purchase. Torequest a refund, please send your order number"****Additional Information*****App, I was not able to dial the emergency phone.
SE-Cyberon Voice Commander 3.2.17030601
Cyberon Corp.
Cyberon Voice Commander Swedish versionCyberon Voice Commander(SE) är en applikation för röstuppringningoch kommando-och-kontroll som tillhandahåller ett naturligtmänskligt gränssnitt så att du kan kommunicera sömlöst medmobilenheter. Med hjälp av Voice Commander kan du ringatelefonsamtal, söka kontaktinfo, [starta program] och utföra fleråtgärder med röstens hjälp utan någon föregående träning.Ffunktioner och fördelar:*Talaroberoende röstigenkänningsteknik. Ingen träning behövs.*Handsfree röstkommando och –kontroll utan att du behövertitta.*Lättanvänt samtalsgränssnitt.Obs:*Igenkänningsexaktheten kan påverkas om du använderröstkommandofunktionen i en bullrig miljö.*Exaktheten är mycket beroende av ljudkvaliteten. Olika enheter kanha olika prestanda. Vissa enheter (operativsystem lägre än Android2.2) stöder eventuellt inte Bluetooth handsfree. Tänk på detta ochverifiera dessa problem med Cyberon Voice Commander för din enhetför att se om programmet fungerar som det ska.Om det finns något problem kan du annullera köpet inom 15 minuterenligt Android Markets policy."För aktivering av BT-handsfree röststyrda uppringningsfunktion,tänk på att kontrollera följande:1. Se till att telefonen och headsetet stödjer Bluetooth-handsfreeprofil.2. Installera inte applikationen på SD-kortet. Cyberon VoiceCommander stöder ännu inte APP2SD.3. Starta om din telefon efter installation av Cyberon VoiceCommander.4. Kombinera BT-headset och telefon på nytt efter installation avCyberon Voice Commander, om de inte är kombinerade."”Full återbetalning kan göras inom 48 timmar efter köp. För attbegära en återbetalning, skicka ditt ordernummer"**** additional information *****The app could not dial the emergency call.
ESN-Cyberon Voice Commander 3.2.17030601
Cyberon Corp.
Cyberon Voice Commander Spanish(ESN)versionCyberon Voice Commander(ESN) es una aplicación de marcación de vozen Español de América que ofrece a sus usuarios:-Hace llamadas telefónicas-Busca información de contacto-Lanzamiento del programay más.Caracteristicas:*No requiere entrenamiento*Manos libres (para Android 2.2 y superiores)Si existe algún problema, puede cancelar la compra dentro de los 15minutos de acuerdo con la política de Android Market."Para habilitar la función de marcado por voz “manos libres”Bluetooth, compruebe lo siguiente:1. Asegúrese plataforma el auricular sea compatible con el perfilBluetooth “manos libres” .2. No instale la aplicación en la tarjeta SD. Cyberon VoiceCommander no es compatible hasta el momento con APP2SD.3. Reinicie el teléfono luego de instalar Cyberon VoiceCommander.4. Vuelva a enlazar el auricular Bluetooth y teléfono luego deinstalar Cyberon Voice Commander, si no se los enlazó".A la venta por $5.99!"Se puede obtener un reembolso completo dentro de las 48 horasluego de la compra. Para solicitar un reembolso, envíe el número desu pedido a"**** additional information *****1. On Jelly Bean (Android 4.1), please be kind to update GoogleSearch to the last version, then go to"Settings"->"Apps"->"All", find Google Search and clear thedefault, Voice Commander could be launched by pressing the BTheadset's button in the end.2. The app could not dial the emergency call.
DK-Cyberon Voice Commander 3.2.17030601
Cyberon Corp.
Cyberon Voice Commander Danish versionCyberon Voice Commander(DK) er et program til stemmeopkald ogkommandostyring, der giver et naturligt menneskeligt interface, såbrugere kan kommunikere problemfrit med mobile enheder. Ved hjælpaf Voice Commander kan man foretage telefonopringninger, slåoplysninger om kontaktpersoner op, [starte program,] samt udføreflere funktioner ved hjælp af stemmen uden nogen foregåendetræning.Funktioner & fordele:*Personuafhængig teknologi til talegenkendelse uden behov fortræning.*Håndfri og synsfri kommandostyring med stemmen.*Brugervenligt interface med tale.Bemærk:*Genkendelsesnøjagtigheden kan påvirkes af støj iomgivelserne.*Nøjagtigheden er meget afhængig af lydkvaliteten; forskelligeenheder kan have forskellig ydeevne. Nogle enheder(operativsystemer før Android 2.2) understøtter muligvis ikkeBluetooth håndfri. Vær opmærksom på disse forhold vedrørendeCyberon Voice Commander, og kontroller, om din enhed fungererkorrekt.Hvis der er problemer, kan du annullere dit køb indenfor 15minutter i henhold til Android Market's politik."For aktivering af Bluetooth håndfri funktioner til stemmeopkald,skal du kontrollere følgende ting:1. Dit headset understøtter Bluetooth håndfri profil.2. Installer ikke applikationen på SD. Cyberon Voice Commanderunderstøtter indtil videre ikke APP2SD.3. Genstart din telefon, når du har installeret Cyberon VoiceCommander.4. Genopret parring mellem Bluetooth headset og telefon efterinstallation af Cyberon Voice Commander, hvis de varparrede."Det er muligt at få en fuld refundering indenfor 48 timer af købet.For at få en refundering, bedes du venligst sende dit ordrenummertil**** additional information *****The app could not dial the emergency call.Cyberon Voice CommanderDanish versionCyberon Voice Commander (DK) is a program for voice dialing andcommand control that provides a natural human interface, so userscan communicate seamlessly with mobile devices. Using VoiceCommander can make phone calls, look up contact information, [startprogram] and perform several functions with your voice without anyprevious training. Features & Benefits:* Person Independent speech recognition technology without the needfor training.* Handsfree and synsfri command control by voice.* User friendly interface with speech. Please note:* Recognition accuracy can be affected by environmentalnoise.* Accuracy is very dependent on the sound quality; differentdevices may have different performance. Some devices (operatingsystems before Android 2.2) may not support Bluetooth hands-free.Pay attention to these aspects of Cyberon Voice Commander and checkwhether your device is working properly. If there are problems, you may cancel your purchase within 15minutes according to Android Market policies."To turn Bluetooth handsfree functionality for voice calls, checkthe following things:1. Your headset supports Bluetooth handsfree profile.2. Do not install the application on SD. Cyberon Voice Commandersupport so far APP2SD.3. Restart your phone after installing Cyberon VoiceCommander.4. Re-pairing between Bluetooth headset and phone after installingCyberon Voice Commander, if they were paired. "It is possible to get a full refund within 48 hours of purchase. Toget a refund, please send your order number**** Additional information *****The app kan not dial the emergency call.
US-Cyberon Voice Commander 3.2.17030601
Cyberon Corp.
Cyberon Voice Commander English(US)versionCyberon Voice Commander is a voice dialing and command-and-controlapplication that provides users to:-Make phone calls-Look up contact info-Launch programand more.Features:*Speaker-Independent, no training is required.*Hands-free(for Android 2.2 and above) and eyes-free.*High accuracy.For enabling BT handsfree voice dialing function, please be notedto check below items:1. Make sure your phone and your headset support Bluetoothhandsfree profile.2. Don't install the application on SD. Cyberon Voice Commanderdoesn't support APP2SD so far.3. Restart your phone after installing Cyberon VoiceCommander.4. Re-pair BT headset and phone after installing Cyberon VoiceCommander, if they have been paired.On sale for $5.99!"Full refund can be made within 48 hours after purchase. To requesta refund, please send your order number"**** additional information *****
UK-Cyberon Voice Commander 3.2.17030601
Cyberon Corp.
Cyberon Voice Commander English(UK)versionCyberon Voice Commander is a voice dialing and command-and-controlapplication that provides users to:-Make phone calls-Look up contact info-Launch programand more.Features:*Speaker-Independent, no training is required.*Hands-free(for Android 2.2 and above) and eyes-free.*High accuracy.For enabling BT handsfree voice dialing function, please be notedto check below items:1. Make sure your phone and your headset supports Bluetoothhandsfree profile.2. Don't install the application on SD. Cyberon Voice Commanderdoesn't support APP2SD so far.3. Restart your phone after installing Cyberon VoiceCommander.4. Re-pair BT headset and phone after installing Cyberon VoiceCommander, if they have been paired.On sale for $5.99!"Full refund can be made within 48 hours after purchase. To requesta refund, please send your order number"**** additional information *****The app could not dial the emergency call.
輕鬆來對獎免費版 1.0.1
Cyberon Corp.
統一發票對獎用說的!還在煩惱手上的一大疊發票要花多少時間來對獎?還在用最老舊的方法邊看著報紙邊核對手上的發票?還是辛勞地逐張輸入發票號碼?發票對獎其實不用這麼辛苦...現在只要輕輕鬆鬆用說的!為了方便大家對統一發票, 賽微科技運用語音辨識技術開發了這套「輕鬆來對獎」,讓大家只要一一唸出發票的後3碼,馬上告訴您中獎沒!從此對獎更輕鬆, 不再眼花撩亂, 也不用手忙腳亂。建議使用方式:1. 為了避免噪音干擾,請在安靜的環境下使用2. 使用適當的音量及自然的速度唸出數字,有助於提升辨識效果3. 對獎前可先試唸各組中獎號碼,以掌握適當的使用方式請注意:本軟體一般環境下的平均辨識率約為98%,辨識率可能受環境噪音、個人口音、說話方式等因素影響,使用時敬請認知上述限制。如有任何問題或建議,歡迎mail到,讓我們為您提供即時詳盡的服務。Uniform Invoice Prizewiththat!Still troubles the hands of a large pile of invoices tospendmuch time on the Prize?Still use the old method, looking at the newspaper side to checktheinvoice in hand?Sheets one by one to enter the invoice number or toil?Invoices Prize in fact not so hard ...Now just relax with said!In order to facilitate the uniform invoice, Cyberontechnologyuse voice recognition technology developed a set of "easytoAward", as long as 11 to read out an invoice after threeyardsimmediately tell you winning no from this Award easier, nolongerdazzled and do not rush.Suggested use:1, in a quiet environment in order to avoid noiseinterferenceUse appropriate volume and natural speed read out the numbers,helpto improve the recognition resultsBefore. Award can try before you read each set of winning numberstounderstand the appropriate useNote: the general environment of the software under theaveragerecognition rate of approximately 98% recognition rate maybeaffected by factors of environmental noise, personalaccent,speaking manner, please use cognitive above limitation.If you have any questions or suggestions, please, ​​let us provide you with instant anddetailedservice.
小V國道 4.0.1
Cyberon Corp.
開車的時候還在為高速公路所煩惱嗎?趕快來試試小V國道,您將可擁有以下許多方便好用的功能:1.在每個交流道間的資訊除了時速、施工、事故等的訊息外,在塞車路段更多了替代道路供您參考。2.另有即時動態影像,讓您可隨時了解最新的路況。3.於上方輸入欄輸入(或用語音輸入)您的起始點與目的地,如:圓山到王田,系統將會為您規劃出所有可行駛的路徑,並標上路程總距離與預估可能會花費的時間來供您選擇。4.只要點選交流道節點,可看到附近的景點、餐廳、便利商店、小吃、加油站、拖吊場等等的相關訊息,讓您即時知道所有的資訊。新介面、新感受,以更直覺的設計,讓您不論在高速公路或快速道路上可以行駛的更加便利,行車更加順暢,成為您最好用的導航小幫手!When the car is stillforthe highway for trouble? Come and try a small V State Road,youwill have many easy-to-use features:1 in each interchange of information in addition to thespeed,construction, accidents message in a traffic jam sectionsmore thealternative road for your reference.2. Otherwise the real-time dynamic image, so you can keepabreastof the latest road conditions.Entered in the input field above (or voice input) toyourstarting point and destination, such as: Yuanshan to WangTian,​​the system will be planning out all your traveling path andtotaldistance marked on the away estimate the time it may take foryouto choose.Just click on the interchange node, you can see thenearbyattractions, restaurants, convenience stores, snacks, gasstations,towing field so message, so you know all the informationin realtime.New interface, new feelings, more intuitive design, so youcantravel, whether on the motorway or fast road moreconvenient,driving more smoothly, and to become your bestnavigationAssistant!
BR-Cyberon Voice Commander 3.2.17030601
Cyberon Corp.
Cyberon Voice Commander portuguese(BR)versionO Cyberon Voice Commander(BR) é um aplicativo de discagem, comandoe controle de voz que oferece aos usuários:-Fazer ligações telefônicas-Ver informações de contato-Iniciar programae mais.Recursos:*Auto falante independente, nenhum treinamento é necessário.*Hands-free (para Android 2.2 e mais recente) e eyes-free.*Alta precisão.Caso haja qualquer problema, você pode cancelar a compra em 15minutos de acordo com a política da Android Market."Para habilitar a função de discagem por voz BT handsfree, favormarcar os itens abaixo:1. seu fone de ouvido suporta o perfil Bluetooth handsfree.2. Não instale o aplicativo no SD. O Cyberon Voice Commander nãosuporta mais o APP2SD.3. Reinicie o seu telefone após instalar o Cyberon VoiceCommander.4. Re-conecte o fone de ouvido BT e o telefone após instalar oCyberon Voice Commander, se eles estiveram conectados."A venda por $5,99!"O reembolso total pode ser feito em 48 horas após a compra. Parapedir reembolso, favor enviar o número do pedido"**** additional information *****The app could not dial the emergency call.
生活行(台鐵公車發票樂透電影國道天氣)VoiceGO 5.4.1
Cyberon Corp.
Lifeline provides various information inquiries about food,clothing, housing, transportation, and entertainment throughoutTaiwan: bus and passenger transport, Taiwan Railways, national roadconditions, invoice lottery, stock exchange rates, MRT bicycles,restaurants, attractions, weather, and more than 30 queryfunctions. Just think of it What to check~